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Modul Pelatihan Monitoring Peradilan Dalam Kasus Kebebasan Beragama/Berkeyakinan

Author(s) : Muttaqien, Andi - Hardojo, Antonio Pradjasto - Viviana, Adiani -

Annual review 1999: International council on human rights policy

Author(s) : International council on human rights policy -

Ends and means: human rights approaches to armed groups

Author(s) : International council on human rights policy -

Chile: a time of reckoning human rights and the judiciary

Author(s) : International Commission of Jurists - Center for the independence of judges and lawyers -

Penegakan hukum di Indonesia

Author(s) : Waluyo, Bambang - Tarmizi -

Almanak Hak Asasi Manusia di Sektor Keamanan Indonesia

Author(s) : Makaarim, Mufti - Prajuli, Wendy Andika - Timur, Fitri Bintang -
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